Classification of piano strokes as a theoretical tool for mastering pianism




classification of piano strokes, texture analysis, methodical rules, holistic approach, pianistic skill, musical pedagogy.


The article reflects the results of studies of performing and pedagogical skills from the point of view of applying the theory of piano strokes. The essential content of the concept of “classification of piano strokes” is revealed, which is the theoretical basis for the professional competence of a teacher and performer for effective professional practice. The systemic structure of pianistic skill is highlighted, which is a set of natural properties of the hand. The main provisions of this system are used for successful activity both in performing and in the field of musical pedagogy. The analysis of the piano texture is carried out based on the fundamental elements of pianism, which serve as a practical basis for mastering a certain texture of works of any level of complexity, including elementary pieces for beginners. The author substantiates the methodological approaches to the formation of pianistic skills as professional tools of pedagogical skills of a piano teacher. A number of examples from the concert repertoire and pieces for beginners are characterized and analyzed, which combine common methodological approaches in the field of the formation of different elements of piano technique in appropriate cases of using the same piano strokes. The variety of methodological principles of the formation of pianistic skill is presented, in particular: the principle of classifying piano strokes that combine different textural presentations, which makes it possible to form pianistic training sequentially from the first touch to the instrument to mastering the texture of works of the highest professional level. The methodical system outlined by the author is based on the principle of a holistic approach to piano education, provides an effective form of using the natural motor capabilities of the hand; corresponds to the principle of methodological competence, which allows professional development of the future and novice piano teacher, methodically provides an effective educational process, and also forms the ability of self-development and improvement of pianistic skills.


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