Requirements for execution

The article is drawn up in the Word for Windows text editor (Times New Roman 14 font, line spacing - 1.5).

Margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm. Pages are not numbered.

Paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm

The text is drawn up in the following order:

  1. UDC index.
  2. Title of the article (all capital letters).
  3. Names, patronymics and surnames of authors (in full).
  4. Academic degree and rank, position, place of work. 
  5. ORCID number (required), Scopus-Author ID, Researcher ID (indicated in the presence of indexed publications in Scopus/Web of Science).
  6. Abstract and keywords in Ukrainian and English with a translation of the title of the article and the surnames of the author(s) in a volume of at least 1,800 printed characters.
  7. The main text of the article. 
  8. Reference list (designed according to the ARA standard).

Scientific article must meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and provide for the following sequence of structural elements of the text part:

- statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;

- analysis of the main studies and publications in which the solution of this problem was initiated and on which the author relies, selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem, to which the article is devoted;

- formulation of the goals of the article (statement of the task) and presentation of the methodology (set of approaches and methods) of the research;

- presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results and their discussion in a discussion plan;

- conclusions of the research presented in the article and prospects for further research in this direction.

In order to comply with the above requirements, the following elements of the article should be highlighted in bold: statement of the problem, literature review, purpose of the article, research methodology, results and their discussion, conclusions and prospects for further research. In articles written in English (and other foreign) languages, the following elements must be highlighted: Introduction, Literature review, Purpose of Article, Research Methods, Results& Discussion, Conclusions.

The author(s) when designing and submitting the article to the editorial office must take into account that the journal is printed in black and white, so the use of different colors, especially when including multi-colored graphs and charts in the article, does not always ensure their adequate display in printed copies. The editors recommend using patterned filling of chart segments in black and white.

Articles by doctors of science, candidates of science, scientific and pedagogical workers, doctoral students, post-graduate students, as well as persons with higher education and engaged in scientific activity are accepted for publication.

Manuscripts that are not properly formatted will not be accepted for publication. The editors reserve the right to edit the manuscript.

Приклад оформлення списку використаних джерел за стандартом АРА


Legislative act

  1. Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act. Title IV, Part B of P.L. (1998). 
  1. Закон України «Про основні засади державної підтримки обдарованих дітей та молоді на Україні» (Law of Ukraine “On the main foundations of gifted children and youth support in Ukraine”) (2005). Retrieved from:

Dissertation/dissertation abstract

  1. Бобир, О. В. (2005). Особистісні характеристики юнацтва з різними формами обдарованості (дис. … канд. психол. наук: 19.00.07). Дніпропетровськ (Bobyr, O. V. Personal characteristics of adolescents with different forms of giftedness (PhD thesis). Dnipropetrovsk).
  1. Коваленко, О. А. (2011). Теоретичні і методичні основи навчання академічно обдарованих учнів початкової школи (автореф. дис. ... д-ра пед. наук: 13.00.09). Кривий Ріг. (Kovalenko, O. A. (2011). Theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching academically gifted pupils in primary schools (DSc thesis abstract). Kryvyi Rih.


  1. Davis, G. A., Rimm, S. A. (2004). Education of the gifted and talented. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
  1. Рубинштейн, С. Л. (2000). Основы общей психологии. Санкт-Петербург: Питер. (Rubinstein, S. L. (2000). Fundamentals of general psychology. Saint Petersburg: Piter).

Part of the book

  1. Davidson, J.E. (1986). The role of insight in giftedness. In R. J. Sternberg, J. E. Davidson (Eds), Conceptions of giftedness (pp. 201–222). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  1. Haensly, P. Reynolds, C. R., Nash, W. R. (1986). Giftedness: coalescence, context, conflict, and commitment. In R. J. Sternberg, J. E. Davidson (Eds), Conceptions of giftedness (pp. 128–148). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  1. Корольов, Д. К. (2014). Теоретичні засади дослідження освітнього середовища для обдарованих дітей та молоді в зарубіжній науці. Освітнє середовище як чинник становлення обдарованої особистості, Р. О. Семенова (ред.), (сс. 9–22). К.-Кіровоград: Імекс-ЛТД (Korolov, D. K. (2014). Theoretical framework of the research of educational environment for gifted children and youth in a foreign science. In R. O. Semenova (Ed.), Educational environment as factor of the gifted person formation (pp. 9–22). K.-Kirovohra: Imeks-LTD).


  1. Heller, K.A. (1989). Perspectives on the diagnosis of giftedness. German journal of psychology, 13, 140–159.
  1. Лавриченко, Н. М. (2016). Теоретична модель розвитку обдарованості й таланту за авторством Ф.Ганє. Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка, 32, 69–75. (Lavrychenko, N.M. (2016). The theoretical model of giftedness and talent by F. Gagné authorship. Olexandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University Bulletin, 32, 69–75). 

Electronic resource

  1. STEM Rankings Best High Schools. U.S. News Rankings. Retrieved from:
  1. Мала академія наук України. Про МАН. Режим доступу: (Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. About MAS. Retrieved from: