
Title of the publication: South Ukrainian Art Studios

Founder of the publication: The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky"

Year of foundation: 2022.

Certificate of state registration: Series КV № 25300-15240Р dated 02.11.2022

Periodicity: 2 times a year.

Language of publication: Ukrainian, English, Polish.

Branch of science: 01 - Education/Pedagogy; 02 Culture and Art.

Specialities: 011 - Educational, pedagogical sciences; 014 - Secondary education; 025 - Musical art.

UDC 37; 78

Policy of the scientific publication: the journal is a professional scientific and peer-reviewed publication in which original articles reveal the results of scientific, practical, educational, methodological and research developments in the fields of pedagogy and culture and art.