Publication conditions

To publish an article in the scientific journal "South Ukrainian Art Studios" № 1, 2022 it is necessary:

▶ Fill in author's reference (links)

▶ To the e-mail address, send the article, designed in accordance with the specified requirements, and a copy of the receipt for the payment of the publication fee.

All articles, which the Editorial Board recommends for publication, are published in the journal on a fee basis and in the order of their first-out for consideration. The author (s) pays (pay) the fee when the editor sends the approval of the Editorial Board to publish the article. The editorial office carries out a unanimous peer review of the articles and checks them for plagiarism; after that, the authors receive the banking details.

The articles are checked for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company

After receiving confirmation from the editorial board that the article has been accepted, the requisites for payment of the publication fee are provided.

The electronic version of the journal is timely placed in public access on the publication's website.