Regional conducting and choral schools in Ukraine: a comparative analysis




regional conducting and choral school, comparative analysis, choral performance, performing musicology, conducting and choral education, choral thinking, interpretation of choral music, communicative traditions, artistic and mental peculiarities


The research is devoted to the comparative analysis of regional conducting and choral schools in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to summarize the common and distinctive features of the artistic existence of regional conducting and choral schools of the 20th – beginning of 21st centuries. Priority methods of research were chosen: regional critical – to reveal the specifics of artistic processes in the regions of Ukraine; comparative art critical – to identify centripetal and centrifugal tendencies, common and distinctive features of performing traditions, artistic and mental features of regional conducting and choral schools; modeling – for a model prognostic forecast of the existence of regional conducting and choral schools of the 20th – beginning of 21st centuries. The peculiarities of the functioning of the Lviv, Odesa, Kyiv and Kharkiv conducting and choral schools as the most powerful presenters of choral art in the regions of Ukraine are highlighted. Contextual connections of regional conducting and choral schools of the first half of the 20th century with social trends of the national movement are noted. Emphasis is placed on the positive dynamics of the development of professional choral performance and amateur choral singing in the second half of the 20th – at the beginning of the 21st century. The latest trends of the national conducting and choral school in terms of its entry into the European socio-cultural space are traced. Distinctive features of regional conducting and choral schools in the transmission of communicative traditions are revealed. The distinctive features of choral thinking in the creative activity of regional conducting and choral schools are outlined. The main vectors of artists’ activity were identified as signs of the schools’ originality. Repertoire trends and stylistic constants of musical and performing activities of schools are traced as a reflection of regional artistic and mental features.


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