Odessa’s period in life and the creativity of Nikanor Onatsky





Nikanor Onatsky, Odesa Art School of the Society of Fine Arts, artistic and pedagogical education.


The article is devoted to revealing the influence of the Odesa Art School on the formation of the personality of Nikanor Onatsky as a teacher-artist. The purpose of the article is to summarize the information of leading domestic scientists regarding the formation of N. Onatsky’s worldview during his stay in the artistic and educational environment of Odesa at the beginning of the 20th century. The priority methods of this research were chosen: theoretical and historical-logical analysis of printed sources on the researched problem; the personalistic-biographical method used to study the life and creative path of N. Onatskyi; chronological-systemic, which helped to consider the peculiarities of the artist’s stay in Odesa region in time sequence. It was established that art education since the second half of the 19th century was represented by professional art schools in the largest cities of Ukraine, in which great attention was focused on solving the problems of training art and education personnel. One of the leading art schools was the Odesa Art School (1865), which, in 1901 was reformed into the Odesa School of the Society of Fine Arts, after graduating from which, in 1905, he received a diploma as a teacher of drawing and calligraphy It was founded, that N. Onatsky received high marks for the successfully executed drawings of academic compositions, which testified to the high level of the artist’s professional and artistic skills during his years of study. It is shown that the almost five-year stay in Odessa had a significant influence on the formation of the creative credo of the young artist; the teachers of the school had a special effect: professor K. Kostandi, who taught painting, composition, drawing, and academician O. Popov, a teacher of art history. Conclusions were made that the professional art and artistic training obtained by N. Onatsky in Odesa became the basis for further studies at the St. Petersburg Higher Art School at the Imperial Academy of Arts in the class of the painter I. Repin.


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URL: https://creativpodiya.com/posts/14094.



